Sunday, September 21, 2008

Baby Bunnies Found on Playground

Last week the children found two baby bunnies on the front playground. Mrs. Graves and Mr. Davis rescued the bunnies and moved them to a safe area. The cafeteria ladies provided some lettuce and carrots for a bunny snack. Here is a picture of one of the bunnies after it was relocated to a safe area.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Roundup at Rio Ranch

This week we are reading the story Roundup at Rio Ranch. We have been learning about what a roundup is and we have been studying cowboy vocabulary. A few of the students helped out in these pictures.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

We Are Learning About the States of Matter

This is a solids, liquids, and gasses chart that the students in our class created together. We are learning about the different states of matter in science.

What Have We been Doing Lately?

We have been learning to be Readers at Work. We have also been learning to "Read to Self". We have been building stamina. We are graphing our progress each day.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Good Fit Books

We have been learning about "Good Fit Books". We are learning that some books are the perfect fit for us and that not everyone in our class will read the same books.
We've compared shoes and books and talked about different types of shoes. We decided what shoes would be the best fit for a teacher to wear at school. We looked at all different types and sizes of footwear. We talked about how a good fit is important in shoes just like a good fit is important for a book. Here are some of the shoes we talked about. The top picture has the largest and the smallest shoes we looked at, a size 15 house shoe and tiny Polly Pocket doll shoes. The bottom picture shows the many different shoes we talked about. After this lesson we are ready to pick good fit books!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

My Pet Dragon paper

Our first attempt at writing was a story called My Pet Dragon. The story went along with the second story in our reading book, titled Henry and Mudge. In the story Henry gets a dog as a pet. The first picture shows the way to publish a story. The second picture shows a student with his idea paper before he wrote his story.
The class did an outstanding job with their first pieces of writing.

Fluency Folder Information

This is a sample of the inside of the Fluency Folder. It is required reading in second grade. All students must read with a parent every night. Parents record the information for the week. The yellow folders are turned in for a grade every Friday. Since starting this homework program students' fluency rates have improved and they have become better readers.

Reading Vocabulary

This is a sample of a reading vocabulary page that your child should study every Thursday for the Reading test on Friday. Vocabulary books should go home with your child every Thursday. Ecah week we use a new page. We put the title of the story for the week at the top of the page and then we look up the meaning of the six vocabulary words and write them down.